“你们的儿女问你们说:’行这礼是什么意思?’你们就说:‘这是献给耶和华逾越节的祭…’” – 出 12:26-27
神给埃及王法老的命令十分紧迫:“容我的百姓去,好侍奉我”(出 8:1;另见5:1;7:16,8:20;9:1,13;10:3)。但法老心里刚硬,神就降下十灾,表明埃及的假神没有能力帮助他们。其中最后一灾是毁灭性的,每个埃及家庭都丧失了长子。而每个以色列家庭都宰了羊作为代赎,把羊血涂在门框上。那天晚上,神越过了以色列人家,不让死亡发生在其中。但他们以外的其他家庭里的长子都死了。

出埃及记 12:21-30
24这例你们要守着,作为你们和你们子孙永远的定例。 25日后,你们到了耶和华按着所应许赐给你们的那地,就要守这礼。
The Blood Of The Lamb
“When your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ then tell them, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD. . . .’” – Exodus 12:26-27
Passover is an ancient feast that celebrates God’s deliverance of his people Israel from slavery in Egypt (around 1440 B.C.). Israel had been in bitter captivity for more than 400 years. The people groaned and cried out to God for deliverance. God saw the people’s suffering, heard their cry, and prepared Moses to lead them to freedom, where they could worship and live for the Lord. God called them out of Egypt so that they could shine like a light and share his blessings with all nations.
God’s command to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, was urgent: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me” (Exodus 8:1; see also 5:1; 7:16, 8:20; 9:1, 13; 10:3). But Pharaoh hardened his heart, and God sent ten plagues, showing that the false gods of Egypt had no power to help them. The last plague was devastating, bringing death to the firstborn in every Egyptian family. Every Israelite family sacrificed a lamb and put its blood on their doorframe. That night God passed over those houses and would not let death enter. But in all other houses the firstborn died.
So Israel was set free. The blood of the lamb that was sacrificed for each household was a sign that death could not enter there. And this sign pointed to Jesus, whose death once for all sets us free from the curse and slavery of sin.
Lord, thank you for setting us free. Through Jesus and by your Spirit, guide us to worship you and live for you. Amen.