“那地的民,就在犹大人建造的时候,使他们的手发软,扰乱他们。” – 拉 4:4
“犹大和便雅悯的敌人”与上帝的子民作对的历史悠久而复杂(见列王纪下 17章)。尽管看起来很友好的姿态,但犹太领袖们很清楚,敌人的意图并不是真的要与流亡者建立良好的关系,他们回来是为了在耶路撒冷重建上帝的圣殿。相反,敌人竭力阻挠重建圣殿和恢复社群生活的计划。
《圣经》提醒我们,我们有一位救主,祂“忍受罪人的……顶撞”,我们应该“专心仰望耶稣”,这样就不会“疲倦灰心”(希伯来书 12:2-3)。

以斯拉记 4:1-8
“The peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building.” – Ezra 4:4
The “enemies of Judah and Benjamin” had a long and complex history of opposition to God’s people (see 2 Kings 17). Despite what may have seemed to be friendly overtures, it was clear to the Jewish leaders that their enemies’ intention was not really to foster a good relationship with the exiles who had come back to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem. Instead, the enemies made every effort to frustrate the plans of rebuilding the temple and restoring community life.
The church has long taught that the world, the devil, and even our own flesh will fight against us. Even good, God-honoring decisions may not be affirmed and welcomed by the people around us. So we need to resist discouragement, temptation, and fear, and we need to focus on growing our relationship with God.
The Bible reminds us that we have a Savior who “endured . . . opposition from sinners” and that we should focus “our eyes on Jesus” so that we will “not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:2-3).
The world may not welcome our return to Christ and our attempts to build up God’s kingdom, but our Lord and Savior will always welcome us home and strengthen us to keep working.
When people around us despise and forsake us, Lord, help us to come to you in prayer. May we remember “what a friend we have in Jesus.” Guide us and help us to serve you faithfully for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳