“愿主耶稣基督的恩惠、神的慈爱、圣灵的感动,常与你们众人同在。” – 林后13:14
Anthony 的精神健康出了问题,但他得不到良好的治疗;因此他常在街道上游荡,并且与他头脑中发出的声音对话。他使用可卡因、大麻、和酒精作自我治疗,五年前他又被诊断患了爱滋病。他因情绪失控爆发而被社区的庇护所拒之门外,晚上他只能睡在亲戚家车库里的的床褥上。
“牧师,我需要领圣餐。先生,我现在就需要啊。”精神上、肉体上、和情绪上的创伤,令他无法与人建立彼此的信赖和关系;他需要知道他是有归属的 - 他是属于神的,也属于他身边的邻舍。

哥林多后书 13:11-14
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” – 2 Corinthians 13:14
Anthony, wearing a black bomber jacket and aviator sunglasses, paces back and forth outside my office. I’m on the phone, but he gestures repeatedly that I should “hang up the phone.” Now inside my office, he continues to pace, rips off his sunglasses, and blurts out, “I need communion. Now, Pastor. Sir. Now indeed. Indulge.”
Anthony struggles with his mental health. He has no access to quality mental care, so he wanders the streets talking to voices in his head, and he self-medicates with cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol. Five years ago he tested positive for HIV. His outbursts have led to his being barred from shelters around the city. He sleeps on a mattress in his cousin’s garage.
“Pastor, I need communion, sir, and I need it now.” Mental, physical, and emotional trauma have left him incapable of building trusting relationships. He needs to know he belongs—to God and neighbor.
Felisha and Raphael, church council members at Roseland Christian Ministries, are both present. We scrounge up some bread and grape juice and gather in a circle, the four of us in my office. “Anthony, the body of Christ, broken for you; the blood of Christ, shed for you.”
Anthony breathes deeply and says, “The body of Christ for me. Indeed. Amen.”
Lord God, move us into relationship with you, community, and creation. In Jesus, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳