“他就躺在罗腾树下,睡着了。” – 王上19:5
在今天的经文中,极度疲倦的以利亚躺在旷野的罗腾树下,睡着了。以利亚疲倦不是因为忙于家务,他疲倦乃是因为他刚刚与巴力的先知作了戏剧性的对峙(参看列王纪上 18:16-46);现在他正在亚哈王和王后耶洗别面前逃命。以利亚的体力、情绪、和心灵都完全崩溃了 – 他求神取他的性命。
这个不寻常的故事教导我们什么功课呢?它提醒我们,我们基本上需要睡眠和睡眠带来重新得力的益处。而更重要的,就是神体贴地看顾我们、喂养我们、和保护我们 – 即使是在我们最低沉和最黑暗的时刻。纵使我们自己的故事不像以利亚的那样戏剧性,然而神仍然会提供我们所需要的,好叫我们能够有力走前面的路。而事实上,神已经藉着衪的儿子耶稣来供应我们了,因为耶稣邀请我们到衪那里和在衪里面得安息(马太福音 11:28-30)。

列王纪上 19:1-9
Sleep Of Exhaustion
“He lay down under the bush and fell asleep.” – 1 Kings 19:5
Yesterday I mowed our overgrown lawn, cleaned our cluttered garage, and washed some of the filmy windows on our house. Physically exhausted at the end of the day, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
In our reading for today, Elijah is exhausted and falls asleep under a bush in the wilderness. But Elijah isn’t exhausted from doing chores. He has just had a dramatic confrontation with the priests of Baal (see 1 Kings 18:16-46), and now he is fleeing for his life from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Totally shattered—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—Elijah asks God to take his life.
Yet God doesn’t answer his plea. Instead, through an angel, God provides Elijah with sustenance for the road ahead. Then, after some more restful, restorative sleep and more food and drink from the angel, Elijah sets out on the journey ahead of him.
What can this extraordinary story teach us? We are reminded of our basic need for sleep and its restorative benefits. Even more importantly, we see that God tenderly cares for us, feeds us, and watches over us—even in our deepest, darkest moments. Though our own story may not be as dramatic as Elijah’s, God will provide what we need so that we too can take up the journey ahead of us. In fact, God has already provided for us through his Son, Jesus, who invites us to come and rest in him (Matthew 11:28-30).
Lord, our only hope for true rest is in you. As you reach out to us, help us to come to you. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳