“懒惰人哪,你要睡到几时呢?你何时睡醒呢?” – 箴 6:9
这段经文不是建议我们一定要终日忙碌,也不是说休息不重要。对人类来说,休息和工作都表明我们的身份,就是我们是按照造物主的形象被造的。例如,我们生来便有一个渴望 – 甚至需要 – 谋求蓬勃发展的。
这样说是什么意思呢?蓬勃发展是凡事寻求服事和尊崇神所产生的成果。不论我们是厨师、程序设计员、建筑工人、医疗人员、园丁、维修工人、艺术家、教师、司机、农夫、和其他行业 – 透过我们一切的工作、嗜好、休息、娱乐等等,我们都可以藉着活在神创造的这个世界中去培育人和得到培育的。然而,我们若糟蹋我们的时间和才干,我们便是否定了我们的身份和浪费了服事神和服事人的机会了。

箴言 6:6-11
Squandering God’s Gifts
“How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?” – Proverbs 6:9
Years ago, when we lived in Taiwan, we awoke one morning to find a column of ants marching across our house, from one end to the other. Ants are truly amazing. They seem so driven, directed, and industrious. In fact, Proverbs describes them here as a model of organization and industry and as a spur against laziness.
This passage does not suggest that we must always be busy or that rest is unimportant. For human beings, both rest and work together reveal our identity as imagebearers of Creator God. As such, we have an innate desire—even need—to create flourishing.
What might that mean? Flourishing results from seeking to serve and honor God in all we do. In all our work, hobbies, rest, recreation, and more, we can nurture and be nurtured by life in this world God has made—whether we are cooks, programmers, builders, medical workers, gardeners, maintenance workers, artists, teachers, drivers, farmers, and more. But if we squander our time and talents, we deny who we are and waste opportunities to serve God and others.
All of our daily work, at home and in the world, will not resemble ants marching in line. We are not ants. We are imagebearers of God, and the work and service we do will be creative and purposeful, punctuated by sabbath rest and refreshment, bringing glory to God and joy to creation.
Lord, help us to use all of the gifts and talents you have given us to bring you glory and to bless others. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳