“耶稣在船尾上,枕着枕头睡觉。” – 可 4:38
在某些地方 – 例如在飞机上 – 我是没有办法睡得着的。
尽管枕头或许能够帮助祂睡得着,然而这段叙述耶稣在船上小睡的短短一幕,显明了两个关于祂的真理。像我们一样,耶稣也需要睡觉的。读耶稣的故事时,我们往往只专注在祂有神的性情上 – 就是祂是神。然而这个故事亦提醒我们,耶稣也有人的性情 – 就是祂是一个和我们一样的人。为了成为我们的救主,耶稣凡事都与我们一样,只是祂没有犯罪(希伯来书 2:17;4:15)。衪全然是人,这样衪才能替我们偿还罪债。但衪也需要全然是神,这样衪才有能力拯救我们除去我们与神之间的隔阂。

马可福音 4:35-41
Jesus And Sleep
“Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.” – Mark 4:38
There are some places—like on airplanes—where I find it impossible to sleep.
In our story today, though, we read that Jesus fell into a deep sleep on a small boat that was out on a lake—in the middle of a storm!
Though a cushion may have aided his sleep, this brief scene about Jesus’ nap on a boat reveals two important truths about him. Like us, Jesus needed sleep. Too often when we read the stories of Jesus, we focus only on his divinity—that he is God. But this story also reminds us of Jesus’ humanity—that he is human, just like us. To be our Savior, Jesus became like us in every way, except that he was without sin (Hebrews 2:17; 4:15). He became fully human so that he could pay the price of sin for us. But he also had to be fully God so that he could save us from our estrangement with God.
In the boat, Jesus’ disciples shook him awake, fearing that they would drown in the storm. Sitting up and perhaps rubbing his eyes, Jesus calmly rebuked the wind and the waves. “Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Only God can do that.
Fully human and fully divine, only Jesus can rescue us. As he called his disciples to believe in him, so he calls us to trust him for forgiveness and for safe passage through the storms of life.
Jesus, Lord and Savior, thank you for your love and forgiveness. Please help us to trust you in the storms of life. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳