【7.24】在公共埸所睡觉Sleeping In Public

“有人把那童子活活的领来,得的安慰不小。” – 徒 20:12


我们应怎样理解这奇怪的故事呢?我们应否责怪保罗没有留意他听众的需要?不过保罗只是按吩咐在各处教导有关耶稣的福音而已。我们又应否批判犹推古在“教会”内睡着?也可能不应该,因为已是半夜而保罗仍在“滔滔不绝”地继续讲。事实上,这故事的重点不是在于保罗或犹推古,而是关于在使徒行传的中心思想 – 耶稣复活的大能。犹推古这个名字在希腊文的意思是“幸运”,而犹推古果然幸运地被保罗救他从死里活过来。然而保罗有能力行此神迹,完全是靠着复活的主耶稣的能力。这个故事和所有众使徒在使徒行传中所说的和做的,都是指向复活的。




使徒行传 20:7-12


Sleeping In Public

“The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.” – Acts 20:12

Have you ever fallen asleep in a public place, like during a long talk by a speaker or a preacher? Maybe your eyes began drooping, and your head started to nod. Then, despite your best efforts, you dozed off. Though falling asleep like that can be embarrassing, it’s not usually fatal. But it was for Eutychus, who fell three stories from an open window to the ground.

What should we make of this strange story? Should we judge Paul for being insensitive to his audience? No, Paul was doing just as he was commanded, teaching the good news about Jesus everywhere. Should we criticize Eutychus for falling asleep in “church”? Probably not, since it was midnight and Paul had been talking “on and on.” In fact, this story isn’t mainly about Paul or Eutychus; it’s about the power at the center of the book of Acts, the resurrection of Jesus. The Greek name Eutychus means “fortunate,” and Eutychus was fortunate that Paul was able to raise him from the dead. But Paul performed this miracle only through the power of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. This story and everything the apostles say and do in Acts points to the resurrection.

In Jesus’ resurrection, God decisively defeated sin and death. The power of the resurrection of Jesus still resounds in the world today as we wait for Jesus’ return and our eternal resurrection.


Father, through Jesus, you have defeated sin and death for our sake. Help us to live victoriously as we look forward to Jesus’ return. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳



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